for local physicians who will prescribe the pill. Please contact the
physician within two days, giving him/her another day to act.
About November, 2000, chemical or medical abortion pills, RU-486
or MIFEPREX, became available in this country (about 10 years later
than it should have been available). To be effective, this series of pills
must be taken within 7 weeks of the beginning of the woman's last
menstrual period. So, you can miss only one period. The way the pills
are used is strictly controlled, so only selected doctors will prescribe
Mifeprex. Three visits to the doctor's office are required. RU-486
(called Mifeprex in this country) has been 92% to 95% effective. It can
be painful, causing bleeding and nausea, but it is quite safe. Like the
morning-after pills, Mifeprex may not be available from your doctor.
One way to find a prescribing doctor in your area would be to contact
will be almost the same as a surgical abortion, about $300 to $500.
The Planned Parenthood site has a good but brief description of both
the chemical and surgical abortion procedures. It also describes STD
and how to prevent disease.
Sex education books also describe sexually transmitted diseases,
something else that should be high on every sexually responsible
person's priority list. In addition, there are hotlines: National AIDS
Hotline, 800-342-2437; National STD Hotline, 800-227-8922; National
Herpes Hotline, 919-361-8488. Always protect yourself and your
Guard against date rape—several websites
About 25% of college women have experienced a rape or an
attempted rape since they were 14. Half of rape victims are under 18.
Almost 85% of rapes are by people the victim knows; 60% occur in a
dating situation. Mary Koss of the University of Arizona says many
women are raped but then deny it, saying "I'm not sure what
happened" or "he lost control" or "things got out of hand" but not "he
raped me." In fact, only 24% of women actually raped called it rape.
Only 5% of rapes are reported. Even more astonishing, Professor Koss
reports that 1 in 12 men admit they have raped someone (see
discussion of rape and abuse in chapter 7). In addition, males and
females look at the seduction situation differently: the man is
marching forward, checking off the steps as he progresses--deep
kissing, touching breast, unbutton blouse, feel up legs, massage
crotch, etc., etc. The woman is trying to decide how far to go and
resisting at some point the fondling hands. He expects the woman to
put up some resistance, even if she "wants it." If, in the end, he forces