Network (
There are also national and international phone or (if international)
). Befrienders ( have 31,000 volunteers
and serve in several languages around the world over the phone or in
Look up your local Mental Health or Suicide Prevention Center in
the phone book (call 911 if you can’t find the number). Most centers
have a suicide prevention service.
To find an online support group:
There are not many, if any, support groups specifically for people
contemplating suicide for reasons you can understand. Your local
Mental Health Center may be the best source of information about
local face to face support groups for persons suffering depression.
Also, several of the big Mental Health Web Sites have groups for
depression (but not explicitly for suicidal people).
There are several online support groups for relatives and friends
grieving and going through a death by suicide. A large number of
for grieving parents, spouses, teens, grandparents, and many others.
The American Suicide Foundation (1-800-ASF-4042) will refer you to
Hope ( will also help you find a support group.
Information about suicide on the Internet
There are many sites. I will give you a few of the better ones (and
then add comments about some of doubtful value). Yahoo! Site
links you to 50+ suicide sites. No evaluation of the sites is given.
Information for persons actively thinking of suicide:
Some sites are written by professionals; several are heart-felt
appeals to keep on having hope by people who have been suicidal: (, or if you don’t feel like