Step 4: Set realistic short and long-term goals
Step 5: Select the self-help methods that seem most likely to work, i.e.
develop a "treatment plan."
Table 2.3: Analysis of Problem into Parts and Possible Solutions
Step 6: Learn the detailed steps involved in each self-help method you
are using (chapters 11-15) and try out your plan.
Step 7: Continue throughout the project to assess and plot your
Step 8: If needed, revise your plan -- deal with your resistance to
change. Keep up your motivation. Find a therapist.
Step 9: Plan ways of maintaining the gains made.
Step 10: Make a note of each method's effectiveness: what works
for you?
Don't fret. Some of the steps can be done quickly or even omitted.
Chapter 2: Steps in Self-Help
Steps in Self-Help
Reader: Step 3 is especially important.
Step 1: Select self-improvement projects, no more than 2 or 3 at a time
Step 2: Start collecting and recording data reflecting the severity or
frequency of the problem