benefits from exposure are long lasting; exposure in a group is as
good as individual therapy; self-help guidance to self-exposure can be
given via simple instructions or a book or computer or a phone, all are
effective (Emmelkamp, 1994).
Mental health professionals rated a self-help book by Wilson
(1986) as the best for reducing panic attacks (Santrock, Minnett &
Campbell, 1994). But other more recent self-help books have been
published: Zuercher-White (1995), Rachman & de Silva (1996),
Beckfield (1994), Babior & Goldman (1990), Greist & Jefferson (1992),
and Ross (1994). Serious panic disorders should not rely on self-help
alone. NIMH has made a special effort to publicize Panic Disorders and
free literature is available by calling 1-800-64-PANIC.
Several Web sites are offered for Anxiety, Fear, and Panic Attacks.
Good general information about several specific kinds of anxiety
enter your concern into the search engine--anxiety, panic, fear,
obsessive-compulsive, stress, trauma, etc. Another major Web site is
links to many self-help sites and to support groups and services. A
to help patients understand the physical and mental aspects of anxiety
and panic reactions. A popular place which has articles, a few links,
there, find the menu and click on anxiety or stress. Focusing on Panic
Disorder (http://lexington-on-line.com/anchor333635), is a medical-
oriented site which explains the development of panic and its
treatment using medications. Offering a slightly different approach,
on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy methods and suggests medication, as
Extensive research is being done; better treatment is coming which
will supplement the old "face your fear" homily. Actually, using two or
three different treatment approaches, say cognitive therapy or
breathing instructions, along with cue exposure, on the same person is
proving to be most effective (Acierno, Hersen, & Van Hasselt, 1993).
Drugs are important in some cases. And, in my opinion, if cognitive
techniques, exposure, and drugs don't work, insight therapy probing
the childhood history should be tried. In general, persons with serious
panic and phobic symptoms, especially those with suicidal thoughts
and a reluctance to see a shrink, should immediately seek an
experienced cognitive-behavioral (exposure) therapist who works
closely with a MD who can prescribe medication.