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Now you turn to a different process, called "twilight imaging," in
which you use a meditative-feeling mode. The idea is to reach a
deeper-than-conscious level where our intuition, hunches, inspiration
and a different awareness resides. A state between sleeping and
waking, like a mild hypnosis, is sought. Sit quietly, close your eyes,
calm down, and merely behold, don't direct, whatever experiences
occur to you about this current or recent phase of your life. Images,
symbolic impressions, emotions, and inward intuitive awareness are all
recorded briefly afterwards in the Twilight Imagery Log. Take 30 to 40
Next, take the two views of this phase of your life--the consciously
recalled memories from (1), the Period Log, and the impressions that
come unconsciously from your inner depths in (2), the Twilight
Imagery Log, and put them side by side. Do they agree, complement
each other, or give a different picture? Don't critically analyze the
differences with your conscious, intellectual mind; merely feel the tone
of each. Don't value one view over the other; together they form a
more complete message; absorb it, unconsciously form an inner
correlation between the two views. Don't be judgmental and don't
jump to conclusions about your future. Just realize we are at a critical
point between our past and our future. The combined conscious and
unconscious views give us, as Progoff says, a way of knowing where
we are in the unfolding of our lives and getting a clearer, broader view
of the path our life is trying to take. 
Keep a Daily Log. This is another part of the total "intensive
journal." We need to stay in contact with the movement of our lives.
The best way is a diary focusing on whatever is going on inside of us.
Take time each day, if possible, to close your eyes, relax and review
the day. Then, record briefly the major external events of the day but
concentrate on the internal experiences--mental thoughts and
fantasies, mood and emotions, and especially dreams (cross reference
to the Dream Log) or spontaneous insights during the day. Don't be
embarrassed about what you write; don't worry about grammar or
writing style or organization. Don't use polite language; use your
everyday mental language. No one else will read it, but you will use it
later, and it needs to be completely honest. Finally, take a few minutes
to review this day in this manner and record it in the log. 
Steppingstones of our lives. By understanding our life history,
especially the main junctures along life's road, we can feel the speed
and direction of movement in our lives. This helps us make decisions
at future crossroads. Just as an explorer leaves "markings" through
the mountains, each phase of life has its markers. They reflect the
complex, hidden forces that unfold our meaning. 
Again, begin by relaxing, closing your eyes, and trying to sense--
feel, not think--your life passing before your mind's eye. Let it happen,
don't try to remember. Using short phrases or a single word, record
your first list of steppingstones (no more than 10 or 12). My example:
Born helpless, secure love, sure of God, social addict, serious student,
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