Ideally, everyone will agree with your arguments and be ready to
join you in some constructive action. If no agreement is reached,
however, suggest that the validity of both views be researched. This
might be the best possible outcome. Finding the truth is more
important than winning an argument.
Time involved
As with so many other skills, you could invest a great deal of time
in perfecting a persuasive speech. You have to decide how much time
it is worth.
Common problems
Getting overly involved in selling ideas, losing objectivity and, thus,
losing credibility.
Effectiveness, advantages and dangers
The suggestions and observations above are based on extensive
research (see any Social Psychology text). There has never been an
evaluation of all the steps put together. It should be helpful to use just
a few of the steps. There are no known dangers.
Recommended reading (in addition to the references)
Cialdini, R. B. (1993). Influence: The psychology of
persuasion.. Paperback.
Dawson, R. (1992). Secrets of power persuasion. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Nirenberg, J. S. (1976). Breaking through to each other:
Creative persuasion on the job and at home. New York: Harper
& Row.
Stiff, J. B. (1993). Persuasive communication. New York:
Guilford Press.
References cited in this chapter are listed in the Bibliography (see
link on the book title page). Please note that references are on pages
according to the first letter of the senior author's last name (see
alphabetical links at the bottom of the main Bibliography page).