Psychological Self-Help

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With males having all these responsibilities, misconceptions, and sexist
attitudes, the truth is men have a lot of sexual problems. 
The males who have a hostile, chauvinistic attitude towards women
are responsible for much of the rape, abuse, and harassment of
children and adult women. About two million girls are sexually abused
by a father, brother, or other relative every year, another million or
two by rapists and child molesters. By 16, 20% of all girls have
become victims of incest. In addition, about 25% of all college women
become victims of rape or attempted rape, 60% of the time it was on
a date. These statistics reflect very serious sexual-hostility problems in
men. Sexual abuse is discussed in chapter 7 because it is selfish
aggression, not love. 
With more women insisting on equality and becoming more
sexually active and sophisticated, men are becoming more interested
in being well informed. They are realizing their differences with
women. Several books about male sexual anatomy, sexual functions,
sexual techniques, sexual communication, sexual diseases, sexual
problems, etc. have become popular (Purvis, 1992; Doyle, 1989; and
especially Zilbergeld, 1992). 
On confidential questionnaires, half of all males say they are not
happy with their sex life (many complain about their wives). Most do
not seek professional help, but in the privacy of a therapist's office, the
most common problems of males are "I can't get it up" and,
essentially the opposite, "I come too quickly." Most males have had a
few experiences with a weak or partial erection, especially when
drinking, tired, rushed, lacking privacy, or with a new partner. Anxiety
is a common factor here. When the male is unable to get an erection
over 25% of the time, it is called "impotency." Reportedly, most
erection difficulties start with a physical problem, such as diabetes,
drug and alcohol use, and high-blood-pressure medication. At least,
this was the accepted wisdom before the recent development of
Viagra. So, it is a good idea to see an urologist. Most of the cases with
erection problems can be helped by physical and psychological
treatment combined. 
Near the first of April, 1998, the United States Federal Food and
Drug Administration approved Viagra as a treatment for impotence. It
is reported that 30 million American men are sexually dysfunctional.
The researchers report that the drug is quite effective, maybe 70%-
80% of the time, with physiologically caused impotence. Apparently it
is not clear yet how well it works with psychologically caused
impotence. Thus, it is not surprising that there have been lines at
drugstores for this expensive ($10) pill. Considering the importance of
“performing” sexually to many men (and to many women, if they
haven’t learned to have good sex without intercourse), the drug offers
hope that one can feel more virile and have a better love life. 
Viagra works by relaxing specific muscles in the penis. When these
muscles are relaxed an erection is possible. The FDA approved drug is
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