A warning: any society which emphasizes individual responsibility,
self-help, building self-esteem... must guard against burdening
individuals alone with the awesome task of coping with life's problems.
The knowledge needed by individuals must be developed and
distributed by massive research programs and improved educational-
informational institutions. Society must change as well as individuals.
When we say that every person must help him/herself, it is crucial, in
order to be fair, that every person be provided the self-help knowledge
and opportunities he or she needs to succeed. Otherwise, "self-help" is
just another mean-spirited ploy by the advantaged to "keep the
disadvantaged in their place."
References cited in this chapter are listed in the Bibliography (see
link on the book title page). Please note that references are on pages
according to the first letter of the senior author's last name (see
alphabetical links at the bottom of the main Bibliography page).